Setup Guide for SAT Portal

Updated 2 months ago by admin

Below is a short guide on how to set up the Security Awareness Training (SAT) product and how to enrol users.

Your account requires the SAT license to be active. For assistance please contact your service provider.

Safe listing SAT Domains.

To ensure the successful delivery of SAT Sims and Courses follow the below KB Articles:

For Email Security (EMS) customers follow this KB article.

For non-Email Security customers i.e. customers with a third party Email Security service, follow this KB article and ensure that you apply the domains to your email security service as well.

Accessing the SAT Portal

  1. Navigate to the USS dashboard
  2. Select Products then select SAT - Administration

Send Delivery Test

To ensure that the safe listing has been successful utilise the Send Delivery Test feature within the SAT Portal.

  1. Click on Tenancy on the left-hand side
  2. On the top tab, click Users
  3. Select the Send Deliverability Test button as shown below
The Deliverability Test function works by sending a SAT Portal admin an email therefore the admin account must have a valid email address. To achieve this add a local user and then promote to an admin, as per the below KB articles.

To manually add a user follow this KB article.  

To then promote the user to an admin user follow this KB article.

Add users to the SAT Portal

For users to start their SAT journey and begin receiving Sims and Courses they need to be enrolled in the SAT Portal. There are a few ways to achieve this based on your environment.

Once users are added to the SAT Portal the default journey is assigned where Sims and Course are active.

To manually add a user follow this KB article.  

To bulk import via CSV follow this KB article.

To import via AD-Sync from M365 follow this KB article.

If you want to change from the default SAT Journey please contact your Service Provider.
How to view the Default SAT Journey assigned to your SAT Portal view this KB article.

Single Sign-On Setup

If you have already followed the AD-Sync Setup section then you do not need to implement SSO as described in this section since the permission has already been set up.
SSO is only available for M365 and Google Workspace environments.

In order for users to access the training material hosted on the SAT Portal they can use their existing M365 or Google Workspace accounts, follow the below KB Articles:

M365 SSO setup KB article.

Using the Reporting Module

Follow this KB article to utilise and understand how the reporting module works.

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