Adding an alias to a primary mailbox

Updated 4 years ago by admin

The Email Security product supports adding aliases to a primary mailbox so that email destined for variants of the primary mailbox address can be accepted through the DHA rule. An alias should only receive inbound email on behalf of a primary mailbox and they are therefore excluded from billing and product usage calculations. An example alias for could be or, which allows delivery of email addressed to the variants to

Aliases that are sending outbound email should be converted to primary mailboxes to ensure compliance with the Product Usage policy. For further information, please contact your service provider.

Adding an alias to a primary mailbox

  1. Navigate to Products / Email Security / Mailboxes
  2. Search or locate the primary mailbox that the alias should be added to.
  3. Click the Aliases button.
  4. Click the green + button to add a new alias. Enter the new email address, it will be saved when you press enter or click away from the text entry field.
  1. Repeat the process for any additional aliases belonging to this primary email address

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