Outlook Add-in V2

Version 2.0 of the Email Security (EMS) Outlook add-in allows end-users to access familiar Email Security features from inside Outlook, Outlook Web App (OWA) and on mobile devices. With this new version, an EMS user can now review their personal quarantine area, manage their safe/deny lists and access their SecureMail Inbox, all without leaving Outlook.

The reading pane needs to be enabled for the options to be visible
Please note that the add-in is not currently compatible with Outlook Professional Plus or iPadOS


Please follow the installation guide here.

Outlook via a Browser

If you are using Outlook via a web browser the Outlook add-in will need to be added for it to be visible. To do this follow the below steps:

1. Once logged into Outlook via a web browser go to View in the menu

2. Select View Settings

3. Select Customise actions

4. At the bottom of the screen (you may need to scroll down) select the "Censornet" icon

The Outlook app

The new add-in is like the original one in that it still appears in Outlook as a separate tab on the Outlook ribbon, but now there are more options to choose from in addition to reporting spam and phishing messages. The add-in options are also available using Outlook Web App (OWA) and provide the same experience as with the Outlook full client. The add-in can be deployed centrally by Office 365 administrators and it’s also possible to configure which buttons are made available to users.

Outlook app in desktop Outlook:

Outlook app in Outlook Web App:

The Outlook add-in in modern Outlook requires you to select the "..." menu

Please note that add-in's are only available for an Email Account set to Primary

And then expand the "Censornet" menu:

In some versions, this may also display on the message toolbar:

macOS note: at the time of writing this article, the embedded browser (Safari with WKWebView) used by the Securemail feature does not have permission to save attachments to the device. Please consider using Outlook Web Access in an alternate browser such as Chrome or Firefox for this task.

Reporting Phishing & Spam

Follow this KB for videos on how to report Spam and Phishing emails.

The ability to report spam or phishing email is still available, users just select the relevant email, click on either Report phishing or Report spam and the email will be sent to the Email Security operations centre for review.

Managing Quarantine

Clicking the Quarantine option opens the Quarantine panel in Outlook with the following options:

Managing Safe & Deny Lists

Clicking the Safe & Deny Lists option opens the list management panel in Outlook with the following options:

Accessing SecureMail

This option requires that you have licensed the SecureMail add-on for Email Security

Clicking the SecureMail option opens the inbox panel in Outlook where you can read and respond to secure messages:

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