Allow SAT Domains for EMS customers

Updated 2 weeks ago by admin

Before we enrol any of your users on a learning journey, you must allow the Security Awareness Training (SAT) domains through the Email Security product. This is achieved by creating a new Message Rule as outlined in this article.

Non-EMS customers, you can find the required information in the deliverability section of the SAT portal. For more information, please see this KB.

To set up this Rule:

  1. Visit your USS Dashboard and click Products ⟶ E-mail Security ⟶ Message Rules
  2. Click + to create a new Rule
  3. Give the Rule a name e.g. "SAT Safelist Rule" and click Add +
  4. Add a Direction Condition with the logic set to Matches: Inbound
  5. Add a Header Exists Condition, click Configure. Under Match Type select Matches, under Condition Value select SAT Domain Safelist, then select Save in the bottom right-hand corner
  6. Add the Action, Subtract from Spam Score. Click Configure and Set the value to 999. Select the Save bottom right-hand corner
  7. Do not add a Final Action
  8. Make sure that the Active checkbox is enabled
  9. Click Save
  10. Important: drag & drop the new rule to the top of your Message Rules list.

The completed Rule should look like this:

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