Salesforce SSO

Updated 1 month ago by admin

  1. Ensure that you have a Salesforce account that allows access to the Single Sign On feature
  2. Ensure that you have an Identity Provider configured
  3. Navigate to App Launcher -> Add Apps
  4. Select the Salesforce tile and optionally enter a name to display to IDaaS users
  5. Select an existing category or create a new category by using the Manage option. The Salesforce app tile will appear in this category for IDaaS users
  6. Log in to Salesforce as an Administrator and click the settings cog icon and click Setup
  7. In the Search field at the top, type domain and select Domains -> Sites and Domains
  8. Copy the domain name that is configured into the Application URL field, making sure to add https:// at the start
  9. Select the preferred Identity Provider for this app
  10. Click Next
  11. Click Download Metadata button and save the file on your computer
  12. Within Salesforce setup, navigate to Identity -> Single Sign-On Settings and click New from Metadata File
  13. Click Choose File and select the XML file downloaded in Step 11
Remember, in this case, the IDaaS product is acting as a broker between the app and your configured Identity Provider. Therefore, the IDaaS service is the IdP.
  1. Click Create
  2. Click Save
  3. From the list of SAML settings, click the new entry e.g. acme and then click Download Metadata
  4. Return to the Add Application wizard and click Next. When prompted, click Upload Metadata and then select the XML file downloaded from the previous step
  5. Click Next to complete the wizard
  6. Back in Salesforce, search for Domains and select Sites and Domains and click the configured domain. Scroll down to Authentication Settings and click Edit
  7. Ensure that the newly added SAML name is ticked e.g. acme and click Save
  8. Click OK and then Next to finalise the configuration.
  9. Test the authentication by clicking the newly created Salesforce tile and when prompted, select the acme SAML login option

Further Reading

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