Connection Rules

Unlike Message Rules (which are executed against individual emails), Connection Rules are applied to every attempt to connect to or from your mailboxes. You can use Connection Rules to preemptively reject emails that fit certain criteria (such as emails with a particularly large size, or emails from an IP address with a poor reputation).

Connection Rules are processed before Message Rules. If a message is rejected by a Connection Rule, no Message Rules will ever be applied to it.

Managing Connection Rules

To see the Connection Rules currently in place for your Email Security account, visit your USS Dashboard and click ProductsE-mail SecurityConnection Rules.

Rules priority

Connection Rules are processed in order as they appear on the Connection Rules screen. So, the Rule at the top of the list (with the Priority of 1) will be executed first.

Remember, a Rule will never be triggered if its Active status is set to Off.
Because Connection Rules always have a Final Action, once a connection has triggered a Rule no further processing will take place for that connection.


A Rule may be processed only against incoming connections, only against outgoing connections, or against both. The Direction column indicates when the Rule will be processed.

This Rule will only be processed against incoming connections.

This Rule will only be processed against outgoing connections.

This Rule will be processed against all connections.

Re-ordering connection rules

To change the order in which your Connection Rules are processed, simply left-click a Rule in the list, and drag it to a new position.

System Rules cannot be re-ordered.

Deleting a connection rule

To delete a Rule, click the icon next to the Rule you want to delete.

You can also delete a Rule within the Rule Builder window by clicking .

Editing a connection rule

To edit a Rule, double-click it in the list. The Rule Builder will open.

Make any changes you wish, and then click .

Inactive rules

A Rule can be set to be inactive. An inactive Rule will never be triggered. You can easily see which Rules are inactive in the Connection Rules window, where the Active column will list each rule as being either or .

To change the active status of a Rule, double-click the Rule to edit it, and then check or uncheck the Active checkbox.

System Rules cannot be enabled or disabled - only your Service Provider can make changes to System Rules.

Creating a new Rule

To create a new Connection Rule, click the icon. Give your new Rule a sensible name, and click .

The Rule Builder Window will be displayed.


If you want to rename your new Rule, enter a new name here.


Newly created Rules are inactive by default. To set your new Rule as active, enable the checkbox.


You can apply one or more Conditions to your Rule. Each condition limits the circumstances under which this Rule will match.

Connection IP

Check if the email's IP address (either the sender's IP or the destination IP) matches a particular pattern. You can choose to match against localhost addresses, or select from any Custom Rule Data you've created.


Choose whether this Rule should be run against inbound email (mail coming in to addresses on your server) or outbound email (mail sent by users on your server).

If a Rule has no Direction conditions, it will be run against inbound and outbound email.
You can easily the Direction for a particular Rule (inbound, outbound or both) in the Message Rules window.
E-mail Size

The Condition will match if the email's total size matches the specified Condition Value. For example, if the email size is less than 4kb, or if the email size is greater than 20mb.

You can choose to match emails that are greater than a specified size, or less than a specified size.
IP Reputation

Use this Condition to check if the IP address of the email's originating server matches a specified reputation value.

You can instead choose to check that the server IP does not match the reputation value, if you wish.
Mailbox Exists

Check whether the mailbox to which the email is addressed exists on your server.

This Condition is only useful for incoming email, and should usually be added in conjunction with a Direction Condition.

This Condition can be used to test against the email's recipient. You can check whether the recipient appears in your Active Directory export, or you can test against any Custom Rule Data you have created.


Use this Condition to check whether the sender of the email matches a specific pattern.

The Sender Condition can only be used in conjunction with Custom Rule Data.
Sender in List

Use this Condition to check whether the sender is in the Safe or Deny lists.

Sender IP Geolocation

Use this Condition to check whether the sender's purported IP originates from a specific country or countries.

Final Actions

Unlike Message Rules, Connection Rules do not have standard Actions - only Final Actions.

Use Final Actions to determine what will ultimately happen to a connection that triggers your Rule.

You can only add one Final Action to a Rule.

Permanent Reject

Use this Final Action to permanently reject this connection. You can choose from a list of standard response codes with which to reject the message.


Accept this connection. This will allow the message to then be processed by your Message Rules.

It's quite possible for a message to be accepted by your Connection Rules and then later rejected by a Message Rule.

System rules

Your Email Security installation comes with a number of out-of-the-box System Rules, provided by your Service Provider. These System Rules are intended to give a good set of initial base rules, that will protect a typical email system from most threats. System Rules cannot be changed or disabled, although you can of course override them with your own Rules.

System Rules are not shown in the Connection Rules window by default. To display them, click the toggle.

You can double-click a System Rule to view details of exactly what Conditions and Final Actions it consists of.

Examining the System Rules is a good way to get an idea of the power and flexibility of the Email Security engine, and to get inspiration as to what additional Rules your organisation might require.

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